Children and Adolescence

Children and Adolescence

Oral health care service is just as important as any other health care services. Unnoticed and unattended dental needs are known to affect about twice as many children and adolescents as compared to other health conditions. Your oral health can significantly affect other health care aspects, hence it is vital to ensure that children and adolescents receive timely dental health care.

Oral Hygiene for Children

Children would have had all of their baby teeth by the age of three. Baby teeth are also known as primary teeth. These teeth tend to fall off by the age of six and permanent ones begin to grow by the age of thirteen.

Establishing Oral Hygiene for Children

  • Using a good oral toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste
  • Brushing twice a day for at least two minutes
  • Flossing once a day to remove particles from the groves and corner of teeth
  • Instructing children to practice good oral hygiene
  • Visiting the dentist every six months

Establishing Oral Hygiene for Adolescents

Good oral hygiene is a habit that must be followed from childhood to adulthood, hence, as permanent teeth erupt, it is essential to keep your teeth and gums in good shape and form. Although it may be a challenge for teenagers to keep up with their oral health care, here are a few tips by which parents can ensure their children gets the best:

  • Instructing your children on the importance of brushing and flossing twice a day.
  • Advising them on using fluoride toothpaste for two minutes as it would help fight cavities and plaque.
  • Educating them on the importance of flossing their teeth at least once a day

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are an effective tool to protect your child's teeth against cavities and other plaque. Sealants cover and protect the chewing surface of teeth avoiding plaque accumulation. Dental sealants are effective in both primary and permanent teeth.

Fluoride Treatment

The mineral fluoride is a vital component for healthy jaws and teeth bone. It is mostly found in toothpaste and mouth rinses. Flouride is also essential to repair weakened enamel. In case your children lack fluoride, they can opt for regular fluoride treatment during their dental visits.

Brushing and Flossing

Advising your children to brush and floss regularly is a good practice to ensure great oral health. 

Dental Visits

Children can start their routine dental visits as young as the age of seven. This helps them be aware of the importance of maintaining oral health at a very young age. It also helps them be mentally prepared for planned dental procedures that they may have to encounter in the future.

Call us or schedule an online appointment to learn more about your child’s oral health and to have a consultation with our dentist.